
Enrolment Options

Next Term of classes will begin in September. Online enrolment available at from 28th July or by phone/post from August 19th 10am-3pm. Please book your course online, over the phone, through the post or in person.

Enrol Online: Click Here to Enrol Online.
By Phone with your Credit/Debit card: 01 8209863/083-2092610
Enrolment Night: Click Here for Map & Directions
By Post: Pick up a brochure in the school or download the form below:
Right click and save the form below, Print out and return by post.
Send by post with Cheque payment or Credit/Debit card details to: Adult Education Dept, Hartstown Community School, Dublin 15

Postal form


1. Fees are payable on enrolment.
2. Fees are non-refundable except where a class is not formed.
In such a case, you may choose another class or have your fee refunded.
3. Fees cover tuition and the use of the building only. Materials used are at the discretion of the tutors
and must be paid for separately.
4. A discount of €20.00 per course on production of Senior Citizens Pension Book/Proof of unemployment Benefit.

1. The formation of classes depends on demand & availability of teachers.
2. Transfer from one class to another is not permitted except with the permission of the Adult Education Director.
3. Numbers may have to be restricted in certain courses.
4. Courses are provided for those over 16 years of age.
5. All adult classes are of 10 weeks duration unless otherwise stated.

1. Only credit/debit card bookings will be accepted by telephone.
2. Smoking is not permitted on school premises and grounds.
3. All students attend at their own risk. The Board of Management cannot accept any responsibility for injury
to any person or for property stolen or mislaid on the premises. Please advise tutor of any relevant medical condition


Cash, Cheque, Postal/Money Order and Credit Card


Gift Tokens may be redeemed against any course on our website/ brochure.


If you don’t see a course here to interest you, or have a suggestion for a new course, please let us know. If you are interested in tutoring a new course, we’d love to hear from you. Contact Us

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